We recently made the move to Neelis Medical Transcription Service and have not looked back. Their efficiency, adaptability, professionalism and up-to-date technology are second to none. They interfaced seamlessly with my EMR. I can pick up the phone and speak to the owner or my account representative at any time. My providers and staff are thrilled with the quick turnaround time. My best decision of 2018! ----Sally Albarado, Hl Manager, Culicchia Neurological Clinic

I have used Neelis Dictation for all of the transcription for my practice for over 30 years. I am aware of the alternatives of out of town (or out of country) services or automated voice recognition software, but I prefer the accuracy, the service, the ease and the professional relationship of working with Ann Neelis and her staff. Michael Moses, MD, Plastic Surgery

During the last 30 years I have been fortunate to use Neelis Transcription Service for all my clinics at Children’s Hospital. I appreciate all the work they did and believe that this was a very important factor for our success in Louisiana. Not only did Ann Neelis and her team provide quite efficient, quick and excellent transcription, but they also reviewed and made sure my letters expressed the exact meaning and specific terminology I intended. Every time I needed a letter STAT, especially important for patients that came from other countries, I got the perfect letter in just a few hours. I can recommend Neelis Transcription Service without reservation. --- Yves Lacassie, MD, FACMG, Professor Emeritus, LSUHSC, Head, Dept of Genetics Children’s Hospital 1986-2016.

Neelis Transcription has been a reliable and trusted resource for my New Orleans and Baton Rouge Neurootology practices for over a decade. I’m very pleased with their service. -----Moises Arriaga, Hearing and Balance